RC1 - Poaching survivor responsible for 6 rhino births (3 of her own calves and grandmother to 3)
ROCK - fathered 5 rhino calves born in past 27 months.
● South Africa holds nearly 80% of the world’s rhinos and has been the country hit hardest by poaching.
● Black market products still thrive around the world as the price of rhino horn is more than $60,000 per kilogram
- that’s twice the price of cocaine.
● Rhino horn is used in traditional chinese medicine and also as a symbol to display success and wealth.
● Rhino horn is made of keratin, like our nails and hair.
If a horn is broken or reduced in size during dehorning it will grow back.
● Poaching and habitat loss seriously threaten the rhino population.
● All 5 species of rhino currently sit on the endangered list.
● Rhinos have no natural predators except for human beings.
● There were 451 rhinos poached in South Africa in 2021.